(Grand Haven, MI) — A moderate Republican and the only Democrat on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners are now targets of a recall effort. Recall petition language was filed Friday against GOP Commissioner Roger Bergman and Democratic Commissioner Doug Zylstra. Bergman was the only Republican incumbent to survive a primary challenge by the far-right movement known as Ottawa Impact.
A recall drive launched in July is aimed at Commissioner Lucy Ebel, who is aligned with Ottawa Impact.
Meanwhile Adeline Hambley, Health officer for Ottawa County filed an emergency request with the Michigan Court of Appeals on Friday. Hambley’s attorney says her client needs the requested relief by 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023, because she and Hambley believe commissioners could attempt to fire Hambley during a finance committee meeting scheduled for today.
Hambley said she received a directive from Gibbs to attend the finance committee meeting on today to discuss the upcoming budget, “despite entirely excluding (her) since Aug. 28 from any discussions or information about the frequent new iterations of how to achieve the … budget cuts that he and Defendant County Commission Chairman Joe Moss want.”
A planning and policy at 9 am and the Finance Committee meets at 10 a.m. at the Fillmore Street Complex in West Olive. The meeting is live on the county YouTube channel.

Adeline Hambley courtesy of LinkedIn

Doug Zylstra