
Help Grand Haven Salvation Army raise $8,000 in 16 hours

By Mary Ellen Murphy Jul 6, 2023 | 10:47 AM

Grand Haven, MI (WGHN) – The Salvation Army of Grand Haven will be ringing the bell this weekend, but first they will hold their First Friday Dance will  take place Friday, July 7, from 7-9 p.m. in their gym. It’s a free event and donations are encouraged.

The need is so great and they fell short of their Christmas goal last December so they are doing a Christmas in July! Look for bell ringers in front of Fortino’s Saturday, July 8 and July 15 from 12-8. The goal is to raise $8,000 in 16 hours.

All the money raised in the kettle stays local and will help support those in need in our community.



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